"Laços Eternos de Amor"

'O Amor é uma planta, que o  coração rega todos os dias com pingos de paixão!


Soft breeze,
Raises me soul,
Is felt calm...
You pay in the sand, untied Dress,
Taken for the wind marking silhouette,
Thought you wander,
Memory, moments,
Souvenirs candies,
You come the meeting,
See you it far,
My candy love, unimaginable Scene,
Never will go to forget,
Wide Footprints in the sand,
Steps, Route,
You find in one you hug,
You twirl in the space
You stamp with a kiss,
You love without sin...
There without fear without modesty,
The sky the sea,
The white sand,
I and you...

Enviado por lindamulher em 10/01/2006


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