"Laços Eternos de Amor"

'O Amor é uma planta, que o  coração rega todos os dias com pingos de paixão!


Far man and woman

I believe that since the beginnings of humanity where he began relationship men and women, both assimilated fears, desires and revenge, we live in a sociadade caught between the modern traditional and old, these modern worlds have female liberalism, where women are thought enough self and sometimes they want to match up the male universe and end up deliberately doing absurd things and exposing the body and soul becoming vulgar and immoral, against God's Laws.
TRADITIONAL follows the customs of a people and their beliefs, your drive with machitas men and submisas women and sometimes these women are degraded, humiliated and even sexual slaves of these men, sequentimente raped, that on behalf of worship fanatimos will God and concepts of civilization
THE OLD, which follows stricter customs of creation, based on the family, parental education where women and educated to be a mother, wife, housewife and when it finds a partner in adulthood has everything you learned in the family, some are happy and follow your life as well, other times not have results and family conflict começae sometimes also suffers from threats and beatings by this husband.
The fact is somo humans and carry within us the gens of good and evil, fear and calm, we do not know which of these four items reigns over the course of our existence, but one thing I understand: God, family background, love, complicity is all, fear is part of both sexes, what is wrong is the vulgarismo walking men and especially women in the day.
I believe that each region has its customs and and standards comportamentoe religion influences a lot but in my view the basis of all start-parent and primary factor that is GOD IN THE LIFE OF HUMANS AND IT IS MISSIN
Enviado por lindamulher em 02/01/2016
Alterado em 18/06/2021
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