"Laços Eternos de Amor"

'O Amor é uma planta, que o  coração rega todos os dias com pingos de paixão!



I played all the songs
I spoke all languages
I searched all the seas
Alamjei all caresses
compartilheis all posts
I yelled at all the mountains
I felt every word
And I remained without horizons
Move every mountain
Diblei each word
I threw pearls and petals
Not meet even a source
So ... I leave in disarray
Groping each obstacle
Gather petals of roses
And I spread everywhere
I saw each landing thy days
I felt let down every hard
Today I feel distant
Although close to the heart
I was almost a drift boat
Today'm shipwrecked mda loneliness
Even without taking your eyes
Almost sega heart
Encotro refuge in other seas
But you still live in my song
Once love and miss
And often Passion
But you're far away
Never ne recoinheceste as love
So I tell you I'm leaving today ...
Leave a message ... and perhaps my forgiveness ...

Claudia Franco
Recreio / RJ
Enviado por lindamulher em 23/02/2014


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